If you head to the Forge World store, and check under the Necromunda section you’ll find some of the most…
Warcry – Gnarlwood Fighters
The upcoming White Dwarf 482 is packed with goodies. For Warcry in particular, it’s pretty much an auto buy. We…
Warcry – Death Heroes
Today we’re continuing our Warcry Hero series with the Death faction. Compared to the other grand alliances, the Death grand…
Special – Christmas Games
We’re only just past Halloween and like the stores I’m already talking about Christmas, but bear with me. If you’re…
Introduction to Kill Team
Killteam is Game Workshops skirmish wargame set in the 40k universe. You’ll lead an elite squad of warriors tasked with…
Warcry – Chaos Heroes
Welcome back to another article looking at Warcry heroes, today we’re looking at Chaos and there are a lot of…
Necromunda – Tactic Cards
Today we’re going to talk about Necromunda tactics cards. Tactic cards typically provide a one off effect that can help…
Necromunda – Card Creator
The Necromunda card creator is intended to make it as easy as possible to create some good looking proxy cards…
Warcry – Order Heroes
For Skirmish play, you have have three heroes in your warband. One, your leader must be from your faction list…